13 February 2014

Haul | Sephora, Forever21 & Macy's

If you follow me on Twitter, then you may recall that this past weekend, I tweeted about having a successful day at the mall. It was an impromptu trip and I didn't expect to really find anything. My plans for this particular Saturday was to have lunch with my cousins, check out La Jolla Cove and drop by Ulta to get the Anastasia Dipbrow Pomade.

I spent a couple of hours walking around Downtown La Jolla because I hadn't been in a long time. Also, I hadn't seen the ocean in months so I really needed to get my fix. If you live near the coast, I think you're familiar with this feeling. I used to live just 5 minutes from the beach, and I didn't realize how much I missed it. I walked into so many shops, bought some Girl's Scout cookies from some lovely young ladies in front of Warwick's, got myself a Mint Mocha and chocolate chip cookie from the Living Room and even checked out Geppetto's to see if I could get a toy for my niece. I didn't find one, but I did find this book:

After all that, I decided to finally walk down to the cove to check out the water and the sunset to round out my little trip. It was a little early to actually watch the sun set, but it was still really beautiful.

Yes folks, I live here. I have access to this gorgeous view pretty much any day of the week and for three years (before I moved more inland), it was a mere 5 minute drive away from me.

Okay, this post took a really weird turn. Steering it back to where it needs to go...

After my DTLJ adventure, I headed out to Ulta in La Jolla to purchase the Anastasia Dipbrow Pomade. I bought this for my mom back in December. She's been all about it since then and I finally decided to get one for myself. Unfortunately, they were all out of the shade I wanted at Ulta so I decided to go to the Sephora at UTC. Luckily they had the Dipbrow in Dark Brown and it turns out I had accumulated enough points on my Beauty Insider account to get something for free. I decided on the Lancome Cils Booster XL. If you've been with me since the very beginning of this blog, then you'll know that Cils Booster is one of my favorite lash products. It is a great mascara primer!

Anastasia Dipbrow Pomade in Dark Brown

I've only been using Dipbrow for three days, but I already love it. It has the consistency of gel liner and when it sets, it pretty much stays put. As you can see, you can either go bold with it, or fill your brows in lightly for a more natural look. You really don't need to use much either so a small pot will last you a long while, which is great because it's goes for $18 a pop.

After I got my Dipbrow fix, I headed over to Forever21. I'm on a mission to find a tartan skirt and I thought that they would have something. They had this skirt, but it just wasn't "the one."

But I did find this really awesome D.A.R.E sweatshirt:

Anyway, since I was unsuccessful there, I checked out other stores. I went into every single store that I thought would possibly have a tartan skirt and found nothing. So, if you happen to come across one somewhere (at a store, online, wherever), please let me know!

The last store I went to was Macy's. I knew I wasn't going to find one there, but they always have a decent sale rack so I thought why the heck not? So before I move on, I just want you all to know that I have been on the hunt for a navy blue skirt for about a year and a half now. I've never been able to find the right one and as I knew I was going to buy it as an "investment" piece, I didn't want to waste money on others that I didn't love. Well last Saturday, lady luck was finally on my side because I found the navy blue skirt I've been searching for. Best of all, it was on sale!

Well that's all for now darlings. And remember, IF YOU FIND A RED TARTAN SKIRT LET ME KNOW! I am desperate lol.


  1. Loved the navy blue skirt! Also the Dipbrow Pomade looks great! I'm currently using the Brow Wiz so I'll have to wait before I'm able to try the Dipbrow.

    1. Yah, I KNEW I had to get it when I saw it. I'm so happy hahaha! The Dipbrow really is a good product. Even if you don't want bold brows, you can still use it. Dude, I LOVE Brow Wiz. Anastasia have got the eyebrow game locked down.
