13 February 2014

I Finally Won a Giveaway!!

Listen, I'm not a winner. I never win anything, ever. So when I found out that I won GlossandGab's giveaway on Instagram, I was beyond excited.

This particular giveaway was for 4 lipsticks that needed a new home. I'm going through the lipstick obsession phase at the moment (we all go through it right?) so when I saw this, I made sure to enter. Upon entering, I realized that I already had one of the lipsticks, but it wasn't going to stop me.

On top of the four lipsticks, she threw in a chocolate mask and a sample of Daisy by Marc Jacobs, both of which I was super amped on when I opened the package.

L-R: MAC Betty Bright, MAC Oh Oh Oh, MAC Lustering, Too Face I want Candy
L-R: MAC Betty Bright, MAC Oh Oh Oh, MAC Lustering, Too Face I want Candy
I've worn all of them already and love them all, but I think my favorite has to be MAC Lustering. It looks dark on the back of my hand, but on my lips, it's actually a nice soft pink. I am really happy to add these to my growing collection.

Many many thanks again to Gabriella of GlossandGab.net!!


  1. So cool! I'm the same I don't think I've ever won anything but a running race at school! Lovely colours :)

    1. I did win an award once when I was in school for like Most Improved Student in band, but that's it haha. Giveaways, I'm pretty sure I'm 1 for 451 =P

  2. That is awesome! I have yet to win a giveaway. lol

    1. I know, this is my first one ever. It's pretty freakin exciting hahaha. I feel a little sad that I am this excited about it >__<
