11 February 2012

2012 Padres Fan Fest

Or is it FanFest? What is a Fan Fest? Well, I guess simply put, it is the festival where fans of the San Diego Padres gather to celebrate the upcoming season by walking around aimlessly around Petco Park, trying to get players' autographs even if you don't really know who they are and seeing if you can recognize anyone from a sports blog that you frequent so you can freak out and be all, "Homgz, YOU'RE JBOX?!"

I actually already know what he looks like, but it always feels like seeing a fairy or something anytime I ever bump into him.

Anyway, I had originally planned on doing a FOTD/EOTD based on the Padres team colors, but I got too wrapped up with the Man United/Liverpool match this morning so I didn't start getting ready until 8:15. It doesn't sound that late, but the friend I was meeting told me she would be heading down to Petco at around that time.Whoopsy... So that meant I had about 45 minutes to get ready. I had no time to mess around with colors and eyeshadows so I just opted to just pop on some mascara and a bit of blush. Besides, I didn't want my make-up to be that heavy on a Saturday morning at the ball park. That would just be all kinds of trashy. Here was my outfit of choice and is quickly becoming my official "uniform" to Fan Fest seeing as I've worn that same shirt for the past couple of years.

Eww I hate that I have the "I'm obvs taking this picture myself" arm action.

Whoa, the buildings in the back look so fake.

There were tons of people there this year and it was probably because Fan Fest didn't have to compete with the air show like last year.

When I got there, my friend and her mom were stuck in line for the Garage Sale so I walked around like a loner to check out the scene. I know that even if you don't get vouchers for autograph sessions, it's still very easy to get close to them and take pictures. You just can't ask them to sign anything or take a picture with them. The first players I saw were Chase Headley and Joe Thatcher.

I finally caught up with my friend and met her at the team store. I usually never buy anything when I go to these things, but I couldn't resist getting these socks:

I also wanted to get something for my niece but the selection there wasn't very good. She's a not a Padres fan (yet), but it's never too early to start collecting gear. After the store, we walked over to the section where the autograph session for Clayton Richard and Cory Luebke was. My friend was able to get a voucher since she got there early so I had to wait in another section of seats until they were done. I didn't have to wait too long since she was at the front of the line, but it was long enough that I had time to Facetime with my mom.

Live from Section 112
I also got to watch this awesome kid teach his younger sister some numbers by reading the seat numbers out loud to her. Had their grandparents not been there, I probably would've tried to kidnap them.

After the Facetiming shenanigans, I walked around to the other side to wait for my friend. I was glad I did because HAVE YOU SEEN WHAT CORY LUEBKE LOOKS LIKE?

He will have my babies one day.
Clayton Richard was looking fit as well...

Both seemed generally happy to be there. They both said hi to each fan that came up to them and tried to have small talk when they could.

My lucky friend who got to take a picture with him:

Click photo to enlarge... no really, you should.
My friend's mom after getting her stuff signed by my future baby daddy.

I'm not hating, but bless this girl. She stood there for awhile just staring at Cory Luebke. Not even trying to be coy like I was, like, "Oh hey, Cory Luebke didn't even see you there. I was just trying to see who was here. What? Yah, I'm just waiting for my friend so I can take her picture. Lol, you're so silly." Anyway, she was cute and I was the same way years ago so I got nothing but love for her. I hope she got the picture she wanted.

Although it looks like it, I didn't spend the entire day ogling Cory Luebke. We walked around the suites in the Western Metal Supply Building, went up to different autograph stations/tables/areas, walked around the bases and toured the clubhouse. 

He didn't look like he was into it...

But he was! Was bummed I didn't get vouchers for him :\
Okay, I did manage to get in one last ogle. Cory was in the clubhouse while we walked through, talking to some people who I'm assuming are either his friends or family. I probably could have asked if I could take a picture with him, but he was really into their conversation and I didn't want to be rude. That would've been a horrible first impression, but would've made a great story to tell our future grandchildren.

That little girl later whacked me in the shins with her little baby umbrella.
Here's me in the dugout looking like an absolute goober:

51 :)

It was a great day at Petco Park today. I'm ready for baseball to start!! Thank you San Diego Padres for putting this together every year.

Besos x x


Since this is primarily a make-up a blog and in case you are curious, this is what I had on today:
-My usual foundation and powder
-Maybelline Dream Bouncy Blush in Pink Plum
-Lancome Le Crayon Khol in Black Coffee
-Bourjois Volume Fast & Perfect mascara

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