13 February 2014

Review | January Birchbox - Go Time!

So I decided that this year I'd do something new. Instead of just showing you all what I got in my sample boxes every month, I thought I'd review them as well, which means you don't get to see what I receive until about a month later. You're all okay with that right?

  • Fekkai Brilliant Glossing Creme - It claims to control frizz, but when I applied it to my damp hair, I saw no results. In fact, my blonde panels were Frizz City USA when they dried. I suppose it works better at controlling frizz when your hair is dry, but the directions did say "apply to damp or dry hair" so I was expecting it work either way. The only result I noticed was that my hair was flat the day after, which didn't delight me in anyway because I like a lot of volume. It makes your hair shiny (I guess) and the product contains little bits of shimmer in it so don't be surprised when you look at your hands afterwards and they're glistening in the light. Overall, I don't think this is has any long-term benefits and for $19.99 for a 4oz. tube, you're better off just going to Target and getting something from Garnier or some cheaper brand.
  • Paula's Choice RESIST Ultra-Light Super Antioxidant Concentrate Serum - I've only used it for a week and didn't notice too much of a difference, negative or positive. I think the only difference I've seen was that it lightened my skin a bit. The sample tube is really tiny so to see any real long-term effects, I'd need to use it longer than a week.
  • 100% Pure Fruit Pigmented Mascara - This mascara is made with all-natural ingredients so if you have sensitive eyes, I think this might be good for you. Because it's made from fruit extracts, it actually smells very fruity. My one smelled like berries. However, I don't think it does anything as far as adding volume or length. If you already have full lashes, you'll find this to be fun. If you're looking to add a little more pizzazz to your lashes, skip it.
  • Nail Rock in Sequin Green - Two words: HOT MESS. I mean I'm not sure how it's supposed to look on your nails, but I sure as hell know it ain't supposed to look like this:
    What in the world is going on here?
    The directions say to apply two coats of the polish and then dip your finger into the pot. I'm sure there's a better way to apply glitter on your nails and this is definitely not the way. First of all, the glitter is way too big and the clean-up is tedious and annoying. The base coat takes ages to dry so whatever you apply on top of it moves around. Plus, you get glitter everywhere, whether you like it or not. So I'm for sure going to be finding little bits of green sequins upon my person for the next week or so.
  • Ahmad Tea in English Tea No.1 - I got three different samples of this, one in English Tea No.1, one in Mint Mystique and another in Blackcurrant Burst.
    I didn't care for the other two as I am not a huge green tea person, nor am I too fond of any fruit flavored teas. I have to say though I very much enjoyed the English Tea (and yes I do take it w/ milk). However, I probably won't purchase this since I am quite partial to Yorkshire tea :)
I was going to review the January Ipsy Glam Bag as well, but most of the items I got were complete rubbish so I didn't even bother. February's bag, which I received on Tuesday, is much better so look out for that review in about a month!


  1. The nail rock thing looks interesting and not in the good way. lol :|

    1. OMG it was so sh*t! I was like "WHO WOULD WANT TO ACTUALLY USE THIS?!" I tried a couple different ways to apply the glitter and it turned out like that every single time. Whose bright idea was this?
