25 February 2014

NOTD | Essie - Ballet Slippers

I've never been a fan of pastels, but this was included in the essie Holiday Collection Kit. Ballet Slippers is a really pale pink color, which surprisingly doesn't look too bad on me. However, I absolutely HATED the formula for this. It was just so streaky and I had to apply 3 coats to get it to the opacity that I wanted. But I have the same problem with all pastel nail polishes anyway, so I wasn't the least bit surprised.

Will I wear this again? Probably not.


  1. I have that problem with the Essie polishes I own, I just find that I have to apply 3-4 coats when most of my other polishes are opaque with two. :\

    1. Yeah it's really disappointing :\ I think my favorite brand right now is Zoya. Have you tried their nail polishes? They're pretty good :D
