26 March 2012


I can't believe it's been a year since I started this blog. So crazy how time flies! And really, how is it almost April?!

2012 needs to chillax.

So I didn't know if I was gonna something big and crazy for the blog's one year anniversary. I decided against it because it's not like my blog is anything fantastic (haha), but I did however decide to do a little blog giveaway/sale. I have a handful of items in my collection, mostly foundation, that I know I don't really need or want anymore and it's just taking up space.

The items will be extremely discounted (or free) so keep a lookout for that. It will be a first come, first served kind of a deal, so you gotta be quick if you want something. By the way, Mom, you're totes disqualified from this giveaway.

Anyway, I hope you are all having a lovely Monday and I'll catch you guys later!

Next up are my March haul and March favorites post/video. I've actually filmed the haul already (about 5 times actually), but I'm not really feeling those videos so I"m gonna re-film it again... my delivery has just been so off.

Besos x x

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